Vase of Flowers Subscription

A weekly/fortnightly/monthly delivery of a seasonal bouquet arranged in a vase for your loved one (6 deliveries - delivery charges included).

A beautiful selection of fresh seasonal flowers and foliage, arranged in the hand, tied and delivered in a vase. This option is ideal for someone who enjoys flowers but not arranging their own flowers. Two vases are required for this option (included) so we have the complete item delivered in the vase, complete with water. We will clean and return flowers in the fresh vase each time, collecting the previous vase for cleaning.  Flowers and colours will vary from delivery to give your recipient a wonderful surprise with each gift. We will supply 2 sachets of flower food with each delivery, it is recommended these are not used in crystal vases

Please note that with seasonal changes some varieties of flowers will change from each delivery. Our florists will select the best selection for your gift. If there are any flowers your recipient does not enjoy please let us know and we will note to exclude this for future deliveries. We will clean and return flowers in the fresh vase each time, collecting the previous vase for cleaning. If the flowers are still alive and the recipient wishes to keep the vase we can add an additional vase at an additional charge. Should any breakages occur during the cleaning of the vase in store we take responsibility for this and will replace to item of equal value

The blooms will be delivered to the address entered at checkout and on the date entered at checkout and then weekly/fortnightly/monthly thereafter.

Please note:  This subscription does NOT automatically renew, to continue after the initial 6 deliveries please contact us by email or telephone.

(Please note this item is only available in our local delivery area. See our delivery page for more information).

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Vase of Flowers Subscription

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